Greeting People

The many ways to say ‘hello’

The traditional Irish expression for ‘hello’ is steeped in Catholicism, reflecting the long history and antiquity of the language. It varies depending on how many people you are addressing and whether you are initiating or responding to the greeting.

Dia dhuit.

/d′iə ɣit′/
Lit.: “God to you.

Dia ’s Muire dhuit.

/d′iə is mir′ə ɣit′/
Hello. (Response)
“God and Mary to you.

Dia dhaoibh.

/d′iə yi:v/
Lit.: “God to you all.”

Dia ’s Muire dhaoibh.

/d′iə is mir′ə yi:v/
Hello. (Response)
“God and Mary to you all.

Other ways to say ‘hello’ include:





… and, especially when you’re meeting folks in the Gabbadan Tavern:

Beatha agus sláinte!

/b′ahə agəs sla:n′t′ə/
(Long) life and (good) health!

Two figures greeting each other.
© Sean Michael Hurley

What is your name?

There are also multiple ways to say your name in Irish:

Cad is ainm duit?

/kad is an′əm′ dit′/
What is your name?

Seán is ainm dom.

/s′a:n is an′əm′ dom/
My name is Art.

Cad is ainm duitse?

/kad is an′əm′ dit′s′ə/
What is your name?

Some other ways to ask and answer
this question include…

Cén t-ainm atá ort?

/k′e:n′ tan′əm′ əˈta: ort/
What is your name?
Lit.: “What name is on you?

Máire an t-ainm atá orm.

/ma:r′ə un tan′əm′ əˈta orəm/
My name is Maura.
Lit.: “Maura is the name that is on me.

Cén t-ainm atá ortsa?

/k′e:n tan′əm′ əˈta ortsə/
What is your name?

Lit.: “What name is on you?

or simply…

Cé thú?

/k′e: hu:/
Who are you?

Mise Máire.

/m′is′ə ma:r′ə/
I am Maura.

Cé tusa?

/k′e: tusə/
Who are you?

Where are you from?

Cad as duit?

/kad as dit′/
Where are you from?

Is as Gleann Gáireach dom.

/is as gl′a:n g:ːr′əx dom/
I am from Laughing Glen.

Is as Coill na gCailleach dom.

/is as kil nə gal′əx dom/
I am from Witchwood.

Cad as duitse?

/kad as dit′s′ə/
Where are you from?

Where do you live?

Cá bhfuil tú i do chónaí?

/ka: wil tu: i do xo:ni:/
Where do you live?

Tá mé i mo chónaí i Mionn na Mara.

/ta: me: i mo xo:ni: i m′on nə marə/
I live in Mynn.

Tá mé i mo chónaí i gCaiseal Bhreannais.

/ta: me: i mo xo:ni: i gas′əl vranəs′/
I live in Brencaster.

Cá bhfuil tusa i do chónaí?

/ka: wil tusa i do xo:ni:/
Where are you from?