gaelQuest is live!

The concept behind gaelQuest is something that Sean and I have been talking about for many years. During the pandemic, the disruption to our daily routines created a hole in our lives that simply had to be filled. For me, I started roleplaying again. I rediscovered my passion for Irish. Most important, I took my long-deferred dream of creating this game down from the shelf, dusted it off, and got to work — in earnest this time!

In April 2023, at the annual Irish Language Immersion weekend hosted by the Indiana Celtic Community, I gave a presentation on “Fantasy-Assisted Language Learning,” which effectively launched this site. However, the registration form was still not working properly. This past week, I resolved some technical issues and voilà — just a few days later, we received our first user registration!

Thus, I can finally say, “táimid beo!” (We’re live!)

Of course, there’s still a lot of work to be done. Creating a bilingual RPG community focused on both play and learning is exciting and a bit daunting. That said, the technical foundations of this site are almost complete. The homepage experience is the last big piece to put in place. In the meantime, we’re trying to turn our focus to content development. On the docket for the coming months:

  • Explore: The Kingdom of Brennia
  • Explore: Map of the realms of Palannia
  • Play: Irish translation of Character Creation: Name and Base Traits
  • Play: Character backgrounds and “dúchas” (heritage)
  • Learn: Saying ‘hello’ and getting to know people
  • Learn: Useful phrases for learners
  • Blog: “Fantasy-Assisted Language Learning”

Stay tuned for more!

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