Character Name & Origin

Introducing your hero

Every scéal has a beginning. Once the scene is set, it’s time for each player to write her own character into the story. The player who chooses the role of the Seanchaí may provide guidance to help frame the narrative, such as the place where the heroes first meet, a common cara or namhaid, or some other shared experience that draws the characters together. Other decisions are left to each player….


Is fearr clú ná conách.

How are you known? Do you go by your given ainm agus sloinne or by a leasainm? Remember, your name may become the stuff of song and legend! To browse a comprehensive list of traditional Irish names, see Rev. Patrick Woulfe’s Irish Names and Surnames (1923) or Ainmneacha Gaelacha by Séamus Ó Brógáin.


Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.

Where do you come from? Follow the links below or explore the map of Palannia to learn more about the places your hero might call ‘home.’

  • The Kingdom of Brennia: The kings of Brennia claim sovereignty over the whole of Palannia. Known for their pride, ingenuity, and wealth, it’s said that the nobles of this land live under the fell influence of Teach Duinn.
  • The League of Loch Anann: The highlands north of Loch Anann are home to the Belanni, a federation of warlike clans who claim descent from the legendary sky king, Bel of the Burning Eye.
  • The Kingdom of Mynn: Located in the Fatesands Desert and famous for its courtly, moonlit gardens, Mynn (Mionn na Mara) is the capital of the Tuatha Thuain, the tribes of Tuan the Parthalonian.
  • The Province of Truehaven: As a protectorate of Má Meall, Truehaven welcomes all who abide by the sacred oaths of the Queenfriend.
  • The Isles of the Sea Queen: An archipelago also known as the “Cat’s Claw,” these islands are a haven for pirates.


The realms of Palannia are imbued with primordial magic. Over the centuries, some people have developed distinctive characteristics and abilities as a result of their attunement with the land or the invisible influence of the Daoine Maithe. These special qualities tend to run in families.

The Irish word bunadh captures the notion of a connection between the land and its people. Examples range from the relatively mundane — for instance, bunadh na gcladach — to the fantastic, like bunadh na gcnoc and bunadh beag na farraige.

The following lineages are generally known within the realms of Palannia, especially among heroic adventurers.

  • Bunadh na Páile | The Palannians
    Also known as Clann na nGall, this is the most common lineage found within the realms. It is equivalent to “human” in other fantasy roleplaying games. That said, heroic adventurers are especially gifted people.
  • Bunadh na Scáile | The Shadow Folk
    The Shadow Folk have a special connection to Donn and the hosts of the Dead. This lineage is most frequently (but not exclusively) found among the noble houses of Brennia.
  • Bunadh na gCnoc | The Hill Folk
    Also known as the Daoine Beaga, the Hill Folk are thought to be descended from the leprechauns of Gleann Gáireach or other solitary fairies who live in secret among the Palannians. 
  • Bunadh Beag na Farraige | The Sea Folk
    The Sea Folk are said to be related to selkies and mermaids. They are found primarily in coastal areas and riverside communities. There are also rumors of a hidden underwater kingdom, Tír fo Thuinn, the location of which is closely guarded.
  • Bunadh Beag na gCrann | The Forest Folk
    The Forest Folk are said to be related to tree spirits and flower fairies. They are found primarily in wooded areas and grassy plains. They are among the few people who feel at ease in Coill na gCailleach.
  • Bunadh Mór na mBeann | The Mountain Folk
    Also known as Clann na bhFathach, the Mountain Folk have giants’ blood flowing through their veins. They are primarily found in the northern highlands of Loch Anann, but isolated communities are not unheard of in the south. 
  • Bunadh na bhFianna| The Wild Folk
    Also known as Clann na Béiste, the Wild Folk are said to be related to púcaí, werewolves, and other animal shapeshifters. They are found in all regions of Palannia but abhor the cities.
  • Bunadh na nDumhcha | The Desert Folk
    Also known as Clann na Péiste, the Desert Folk have serpentine features and are thought to be an offshoot of the Wild Folk. They are found almost exclusively in the Fatesands.