Once upon a time…

The Voyage of Breannas, the Taking of Palannia, and the Flight of the Daoine Maithe

Fadó fadó, the wise King Breannas led his people across the Milky Way to the shores of Tír na nÓg. The king and his followers were not the first, nor the last, to make that fateful journey. For ages past, the mysterious Daoine Maithe dwelled here. The seanchaithe say they were driven into hiding millennia ago, betrayed by the mortal world. Having long memories, they did not take kindly to the arrival of usurpers on their sacred plains!

Illustration of the Voyage of Breannas
© Sean Michael Hurley

An epic war broke out. Drawing upon arcane magic, the Daoine Maithe called unearthly storms down on Breannas and his warriors. The seas rose and the mountains crumbled until the land itself was rent asunder. Thus, Tír na nÓg was transformed into the realms now known as Palannia. In the aftermath, the Daoine Maithe disappeared once again, some sheltering in the shadows of the moon, others following the sun’s path to Tír na mBeo. With them, they took secrets and wonders long coveted by the Palannians.

With the flight of the Good Folk, an even older and more mysterious power returned to the land—An Aimsir. Brooding in his tower, King Breannas watched in horror as the rolling fields and lush woods of his new domain grayed and withered. As years passed, the king himself turned old and feeble until at last the black bell of Donn tolled. While out hunting one day, the Dark One appeared to Breannas, beckoning him away to Teach Duinn. Thus have gone all the children of Palannia, down through the ages. Some say the ghost of Breannas still haunts the Pale Path, and that he himself ushers his heirs to the halls of Donn at the end of their days.

For centuries, saints and scholars have sought out the lost secrets of the Daoine Maithe. Great fleets and caravans were commissioned. Intrepid voyagers sailed the seas and roved the meadows, hoping to uncover clues to the whereabouts of Tír na mBeo. In their travels, they discovered they were not alone….