Roleplaying Adventures in Irish

Adventures in Irish

Fantasy Gaming
Real-Life Language Learning

Fáilte! Welcome to Palannia, a place of wonder, intrigue, and adventure!

Long ago, the wise King Breannas led his people across the Milky Way to the shores of Tír na nÓg. Here, time and terrain are like shifting sands. Many is the foolish adventurer who has stumbled upon the fóidín mearaí and wandered for years in delirium. What’s in store for you? From the delights of Gleann Gáireach to the dark groves of Coill na gCailleach, treasures, trials, and tribulation await!


Four mischievous redcaps and a sleeping traveler | Welcome image for gaelQuest | Roleplaying Adventures in Irish
© Sean Michael Hurley

Fantasy roleplaying inspired by Gaelic culture…

gaelQuest is a family of related fantasy games in development and designed to foster language learning. As you explore the realms of Palannia and play the part of an adventurer (or the Seanchaí), the typical steps of playing a tabletop RPG or card game — learning the rules, creating a character, and joining quests with other players — are complimented and enriched by the introduction of Irish words and phrases.



Two adventurers standing outside an ancient burial mound | Welcome image for gaelQuest | Roleplaying Adventures in Irish
© Sean Michael Hurley

Fame and fortune await!

Cad is ainm duit? Who are you and where do you come from? The realms of Palannia are filled with saints and scholars, fianna, filí, and fathaigh, not to mention the occasional bean sí, fear dearg, or leipreachán. There’s no telling who you’ll meet or what dangers you’ll face along the way!



A fortune teller and a young warrior | Welcome image for gaelQuest | Roleplaying Adventures in Irish
© Sean Michael Hurley
© 2023 Open Design LLC

We’re thrilled to share that the lands of gaelQuest will be featured in a forthcoming resource, Guide to the Labyrinth, to be published by Kobold Press in 2024.

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